Saturday, June 22, 2013

Another Step Toward the Goal

Last evening at 5:00PM Eastern the Glenn Beck Program aired the following piece:

This is the public outting of the III Patriots and more specifically the public presentation of the III Citadel.  I am proud to say that I stand squarely behind this movement.  I have met a few of the key personalities responsible for the movement's formation and furtherance.  I am also a member of the III Congress.  Although situated nearly as remotely as one could be, I intend to put any effort I can to this organization.

I am loathe to list the slights and injuries inflicted by the recent regimes which have seized control of this nation.  I am standing up to take my place among the few have decided to do more than simply uncover, share and decry the atrocities. 

During the interview, Glenn Beck asked about religion and what place it nay or not have in the Citadel.  I agree with him that God had a huge part in the formation of this nation.  He will need to have that same part again.  It is my intension to beg for His intervention on our behalf to set this nation aright once again. 

Freedom for each individual man was God-given from the first day of man's very creation.  There are those today who would take that from us and be themselves our gods.  I will not bow to them.  It is time for like-minded men and women to stand against the tyranny and evil that has begun an unveiled assault on our liberties through twisted use of regulation and the power associated with it.  The very regulatory power we, the people, have surrendered to them. 

Share the link to the GB/III Citadel interview.  Get more involved. 

Prepping Preacher

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